About SANE Sustainability News...more.

SANE Sustainability News is a contextualised news format with a focus on sustainability issues: economic, energetic, environmental, and sociopolitical, etc. It is SANE’s gift to you to provide you with thinking tools and information to help you participate in the new world we would all like to develop so what we leave behind is not worse than what we found...less
Date Issue
14 April 2010 Vol 1. No 1
3 May 2010 Vol 1. No 2
7 June 2010 Vol 1. No 3





SANE Community Views (SCV)...more

SANE Community Views will be your thoughts on the matters which concern us together to share with your and our community. It is a “you to you” format.

Members of the SANE Community Network, and this means any one of you, who wish to contribute to SANE Community Views, please feel free to send your contributions and/or proposals to [email protected].

SANE Community Views will be published on an occasional basis and contributions will be published and shared at the discretion of SANE

School for Wellbeing’s First Annual Summer Course

Happiness for Global Transformation:
“Towards an Economy of Sharing”

27 July – 26 August 2010, Thailand and Bhutan...more

The School for Wellbeing initiates action-research, dialogue and public debate. The aim is to understand and further explore historic and contemporary paradigm shifts and social movements in order to transform our materialistic, economically driven public policies towards societies shaped by wellbeing-centered world views, democracy and alternative development practices.

The School for Wellbeing’s Summer Course is to contemplate contemporary cultural dilemmas, poverty, injustice and environmental degradation from a holistic point of view. To explore happiness that it is not in the first place, as we are made to believe, a need that should be satisfied by external factors. But rather, to understand happiness as “life’s most important skill”, a capability to overcome suffering and structural violence.

The course consists of a four-week participatory learning experience, including a study visit throughout Bhutan, the country of GNH - Gross National Happiness (www.gnh-movement.org), and excursions to new paradigm projects of social development in Thailand.

Resource individuals for the course include Nic Marks (NEF) and Sulak Sivaraksa (prominent Siamese Buddhist & social activist; author of The Wisdom of Sustainability: Buddhist Economics for the 21st Century), among others.

This course is intended for 35 participants who are independent academics, researchers, social entrepreneurs, potential leaders, students, persons on sabbatical, responsible managers, policy development officers, activists and agents for change.

Please find more information at the School for WellBeing Web Site

The South Africans who could make best use of this course, who would make the greatest social difference with it, and for whom it would make the greatest personal difference, will most likely not be able to afford to go; thus, if you have any ideas about setting up bursaries, or would be willing to contribute to one for one or more, please contact [email protected] to discuss. Thank you.

Or kindly email [email protected] ...less